Jingu Stadium: in-depth

Last update: Feb 2025 with information for the 2025 season


Completed in 1926, this is one of the four MLB/NPB stadiums remaining where Babe Ruth once played.

With the stadium lacking any luxury boxes or even enough toilets when the seats all fill up, a new and more modern stadium is scheduled for completion around 2032 at the site of the Rugby Stadium next door. The plan calls for the current Jingu Stadium to be demolished once the new field is ready.

The Tokyo Swallows team, along with the collegiate Tokyo Big 6 League regularly use the field. The amateurs have the priority during the day, so the Swallows usually play a night game starting at 6pm. For the 2025 season, there will only be four day games in April and early May. 

Unlike most American stadiums, bringing outside food is permitted. However any drinks in a can or glass bottle cannot be brought in (Drinks in plastic bottles are ok). There will be a bag inspection at each gate. Since Jingu is an old stadium, the number of stores inside is limited often resulting in long queues. I'd suggest to arrive early if you want to try the stadium food, or to otherwise bring something from the nearby stores.

Bringing large items should be avoided as the legroom is limited in this stadium. There are coin operated lockers near gates 4/5, 10 and 16 and also at the adjacent rail stations.



The home opener is on April 1st and the final game is currently scheduled for September 23rd if there are no rainouts. Games on the weekend, and important games toward the end of the season will likely sell out so purchase them in advance from their English ticketing site. https://www.yakult-swallows.co.jp/en/

Tickets will be sold in different stages so games for September will only be available in mid July. The ticketing site will contain the full schedule when they go on sale.

The platform got a new interface in 2024, and comes with a seat view of each designated zone. In the English version, you can select your desired seating zone, but the system will auto-assign seats within that zone. When availability is low, the system could assign non-consecutive seats. In that case, the system will give you an alert and ask if you want to continue with the purchase. QR code for entry will be sent to your e-mail address which you can show on your phone or print them out for verification by staff.

For weekday games earlier in the season, tickets tend to be left over. They can be purchased on game day at the office next to gate 7 and 9 if they are still remaining. 


Seat Chart for 2025 Season with gate numbers listed (From the Tokyo Yakult Swallows English website, click to enlarge))
Seat Chart for 2025 Season with gate numbers listed (From the Tokyo Yakult Swallows English website, click to enlarge))


For the 2025 season, the ticket price will be tiered to four different price categories depending on expected demand, "Super Value", "Value", "Standard" and "Premier".

On the Japanese website a category ”CREW価格” also appears, referring to the discount given for members of the Swallows fan club ("Swallows CREW")

S Reserved will start at 5,200 JPY on the Super Value days, but 6,400 JPY on the Premier days, such as the opening day.

In addition, there is dynamic pricing meaning that cost could increase substantially as availability becomes limited.

The Swallows seem to take advantage of the loyalty of the opposing team fans so the outfield seats in left field will sometimes be priced higher than a seat behind home plate. There were reports of an bleacher seat in left field being sold at over 8,000 JPY when the Tigers (a team based in Osaka with a very solid following) were playing.


While I understand the club wants to maximize its profits, less transparency in the pricing has discouraged me from planning a visit at the last minute.



There is also a ticket office at the stadium where you can buy both advance and same-day tickets. Advance tickets are sold at the office next to gate 9. They open only on days when there is a home game, from 11am until 20 minutes after the game finishes. Same-day tickets can be purchased from a separate office next to gate 7 near the main entrance of the stadium.  The office will not open in case the tickets completely sell out in advance. 



Result of auto-selection for the A2 Reserved section. You can only specify sections and not the individual seat
Result of auto-selection for the A2 Reserved section. You can only specify sections and not the individual seat

I was able to find a detailed seating map PDF of the stadium on this website, so refer to it if you want to check the precise location of the system assignment.




Like many other clubs, the Swallows will host a few home games outside of the Tokyo area. The dates are: April 15 (Matsuyama) and July 15 (Shizuoka). 


Day games are rare, but the third base side will be in the shade for most of the afternoon thanks to the buildings next to the stadium. The following are specific areas I like to sit when watching.

The S2 Reserved seats give a really good view of the overall action (numbered ③ and marked in purple on the seating chart)

It's only above row 37 that the protective netting will not be in the way of the playing field (At Jingu, the nets extend all the way across the infield to the foul pole).

Closest entry is from the 4/5 gate for the first base side, gates 9/10 for the third base side.


The A2 Reserved seats (⑧ for first base, ⑨ for third base) are also seats with a good view, though a little bit further from the infield. They are around 1,000 Yen cheaper than the S2 seats.

The entry is from the 2/3 gate for the first base, 11/12 for the third base.



Using the other infield gates (anywhere between 2 to 12) is ok, but gates 1 and 13-18 are for the outfield. Due to the structure of the stadium, you cannot go between the infield and outfield seats.

View towards the Panorama Roof seats from the outfield. There are only stairs to reach the upper level.
View towards the Panorama Roof seats from the outfield. There are only stairs to reach the upper level.

Panorama Roof A (④) and Roof B (⑤) is in the upper deck behind home plate. This is the only section covered by a roof and would be ideal during the rainy season or in the summer when there is the occasional thundershower.

The pillars can obstruct the view and the aisle seats from rows 5 and beyond are likely to have this problem.


The outfield is where the more faithful fans sit and it will be a great opportunity to make friends with perfect strangers. As with most Japanese stadiums, the home team Swallows fans sit on the right field side, and most of the left field is reserved for fans of the visiting team. It will be awkward to be wearing any Swallows merchandise if sitting in the visitor fans section, and in most cases the staff will ask you to remove them.

Sections of the outfield used to be non-reserved prior to the pandemic. Since the 2020 season, all seats at Jingu Stadium are reserved and the non-reserved option no longer exists.

The area that is numbered ⑯ on the above seating map is where the most faithful will gather and sold as Outfield Reserved B. They happen to be the area where the seats are more like benches with no seat back (the area covered in yellow in this satellite view)

Beware that rows J, K and L on the right field side and rows M, N and O of the left field side have an obstructed view of the opposite side of the outfield due to the batter's eye.

※A screenshot from the Swallows ticketing site indicating the obstructed view seats next to the batter's eye.

If you want to sit closer to the fans but also want a little more civilized environment, the Outfield C Reserved seats ⑰⑱⑲ are a great option. If you don't want the protective nets getting in the way, choose row 45 or higher. Seats in area ⑲ do not have a seat back and are the most inexpensive section.

What's good about this section is that the seats have a little more width and legroom compared with the other seats. Also they are set at an angle so that they face the infield.  


To the contrary, the Infield B Seats (⑩and ⑫ for first base, ⑪ and ⑬ for third base) face the completely wrong direction of the field so my neck will be aching by the end of the game. These seats give a good view of the action in the bullpen but unless you are a fan of one of the relievers, they are best if avoided.

Outfield C left field side/Row 45.
Outfield C left field side/Row 45.
Outfield C seats in right.
Outfield C seats in right.


The Gaienmae Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line is the closest, about 5-6 minute walk. There are some convenience stores and other food/drinks available on the way. Being the oldest subway line in Tokyo with limited capacity, the trains can get extremely crowded on game day.

It's also possible to use the Sendagaya or Shinanomachi Station on the JR Sobu Line, about 15 minutes north of the ballpark. From these stations, it is a quick ride to Shinjuku.

The Aoyama-ichome Station on the Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line is also within walking distance, about 15 minutes. The longer walk results in fewer people using them. I personally use anything other than the Ginza Line to go home.

Catching a taxi from near the stadium can be difficult after the game. Walking down to the Aoyama Dori Avenue (where the subway station is located) you should have a better chance of finding one.

Source: 神宮外苑地区まちづくり(Redevelopment organization)
Source: 神宮外苑地区まちづくり(Redevelopment organization)

TOPIC: New Jingu Stadium coming in 2032??


There are plans for a new stadium to replace the current one. It will be built on the site of the rugby stadium, immediately to the south of the current Jingu Stadium.


Opening is scheduled for the 2032, and once completed the current ballpark will be demolished (the open space behind left field is where the current ballpark stands)


The current stadium has major concerns about safety against earthquakes, and doing a full renewal on-site is not feasible in cost. While there is some opposition to the plan, the entire property is owned by the Meiji Shrine, and there won't be any way for the government to intervene with their redevelop plan.